Thursday, December 27, 2012


I've been visiting my home (weird phrasing, but it's the Army) in Indiana, and just about every night I've been hearing mysterious booms. The best description I can give is that they sound like foot steps that the T-Rex made in Jurassic Park. It's definitely not a weird type of thunder because the skies are clear and there are no storms in the forecast. I should also note that I've lived in Indiana pretty much all of my life and never heard anything remote to this.

My last post was my lambasting the 2012 prophecies, and while the world obviously didn't end on the 21st, I can't help but wonder if this could be related. Maybe these weird booms are the trumpets of Revelation heralding in the seven years of tribulation! Of course the closest instrument these booms sound like would be the tuba. 

I've searched online for an explanation, and I know I am not alone in hearing these booms. I've read everything from HAARP being fired to a bog belch. Frankly, none of these explanations sound really good. I guess it'll be a wonderful little mystery into the new year.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Have a great New Year!