Friday, May 24, 2013

Dark Matter

Obviously, you can't see dark matter, so enjoy a space picture
One of the most frustrating aspects in physics is that scientists have yet to construct a Theory of Everything that can explain everything in the universe in one coherent theory. A lot of this has to do with the fundamental forces and reconciling general relativity with quantum field theory. General relativity mostly deals with gravity while the latter deals with the other three. Aside from this, astronomers will also encounter phenomena that doesn't fit their current models. To counter that, they use a concept which I consider to be extremely lazy and very unscientific.

Probably the simplest example is with the Big Bang Theory. For reasons that I won't get into, The Big Bang Theory is the widest accepted theory of our universe's origins. The problem with the theory is that scientists were surprised to learn that the universe's expansion is accelerating. To account for this discrepancy, they came up with the term Dark Energy to account for the missing energy in the universe that must be causing the acceleration.

I can't pinpoint a precise example, but whenever there are gravitational anomalies observed in space that cannot be explained, scientists will blame it on Dark Matter. Instead of considering that maybe their equations may be wrong, scientists come up with the terms Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a catch all to explain discrepancies. What's worse is that Dark Matter is described as matter that doesn't interact with the electromagnetic spectrum meaning that we can't verify its existence.

What I find so frustrating with Dark Energy and particularly Dark Matter is that these are so easily accepted as fact, yet God is unscientific. You can't detect God, but you can arguably see His affects on humanity. But for some reason, God is not scientific yet Dark Matter is. It is a similar complaint I have with String Theory which is not a theory by the scientific standard, yet people will proclaim its truth just because smart people think it is. I'm not going to try and prove God in this blog post, but my frustrating question is why are people so quick to dismiss God when something unexplained happens, yet Dark Matter and Dark Energy are accepted as scientific fact when they actually aren't? I feel that this lazy dark crutch is what's currently holding us back from finding the elusive Theory of Everything.