Saturday, June 15, 2013


Can't really talk about before this though.
My interest in the concept of pregenesis or more specifically pre-Adam arose to the obvious problem that creationists have with explaining dinosaurs. I thought it would be interesting to talk about what people speculate what might have come before the events of Genesis or more specifically Adam.

Now I don't believe I can get earlier than than the text in the image to the left, but this is an objection raised by atheists to the uncaused cause or namely the concept of an eternal God. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that our brains just cannot truly comprehend infinity. Calculus is a special branch of mathematics just to handle the concept of infinity. Regardless, my pregenesis discussion will begin with the second verse since we are given a description of the physical universe.

Before God declares, "Let there be light", the Earth already exists and is described as formless, empty, and covered in deep waters. This implies that the Earth has been around for some indefinite amount of time since the Bible refers to the first day after God declares light. What I find interesting about this point is that creationists and evolutionists bicker over the age of the Earth. Evolutionists argue that it is about a billion years old where as creationists will claim that it is merely a couple thousand. However, when you read just the first five verses of Genesis closely, you can see how biblically (obviously, evolutionists don't use the Bible as an argument) both interpretations could be correct.

With regards to dinosaurs mentioned earlier, some will claim that the "days" in Genesis may not be literal days especially since according to Genesis the sun, moon, and stars were created on the fourth day. It's admittedly a stretch and there are other explanations for dinosaurs that creationists use, but I don't feel it's important to get into them. For me personally, I just accept it as a mystery. It's possible that the "days" could be referring to an indefinite amount of time, but we are honestly only considering it because of our current understanding of Earth. It is worth mentioning that in other places in the Bible (particularly Daniel) many biblical scholars interpret days as meaning years. A hard cry away from billions of years, but it's worth mentioning that a totally literal reading of the Bible is unwise. The book is filled with symbolism.

I couldn't really find biblical proof to substantiate some of these claims, but some "theologians" use the loose interpretations of days to explain things like dinosaur, but more importantly they allude to the idea that the earth was empty to argue that this could imply protocivilizations. This may say a lot about me, but naturally, Atlantis comes up in these threads. Again, there is really no substantiation to these interpretations. It's more or less fan fiction used by some to attempt to reconcile the obvious contradictions between the claims in the Bible with scientific theories. If you truly believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, you must accept that some of it is symbolism and some of it is just a mystery. It is intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise.