Monday, December 22, 2014

Favorite Movies

I recently watched the new Nolan movie, Interstellar, and I must admit that it quickly became one of my top favorite movies. I thought it would be fun to reflect and think about what I would consider my top five favorite movies. Now this list is subject to change, but I would argue that a lot of these movies had a role in shaping me as a person. These movies are in no particular order. Minor spoilers ahead.

5. Interstellar

I had to put this movie first since it was my inspiration for writing this post. In hindsight, I'm a little surprised that this is the only Nolan movie that made the list. I have loved all of Nolan's movies especially his Batman trilogy. The reason why Interstellar made the list is because it captures my childhood dream of space exploration and had a theme that love can transcend all things -even time and space. Matthew McConaughy's character captured my deep rooted desire to explore perfectly, and I was able to connect to his character more emotionally than other characters. There are also themes of survival that I consider thought-provoking.

This movie also took the time to be as realistic as possible using modern physics. Now it takes some liberties toward the end since our understanding of black holes is very limited, but despite how fantastic the movie can be, it still felt grounded enough to suspend belief.

4. The Boondock Saints

My guilty pleasure of the list. I can't necessarily call this a great movie, but this movie is just a lot of fun to watch. It is able to beautifully combine silliness, action, and emotion creating a cult hit. Exploring the morality of vigilante justice, the movie follows two brothers who take down the mob while also being chased down by an eccentric FBI agent. The two brothers believe that they are on a mission from God which is a theme I can appreciate.

I could talk about all the things I love about this movie, but the truth is that this was truly a bonding movie for me. Some of my best friends from summer camp and I bonded over this movie. My best friend from college and I bonded over this movie. This movie is fun to quote, and every time one of us quotes this movie, it reminds us of our fondness of this movie.

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

As avid readers of my blog know, I used to be a conspiracy theorist. Even though I don't subscribe to those beliefs anymore, I have been desperately waiting for a really good conspiracy movie. HYDRA plays the role of an Illuminati-like organization beautifully, and the reveal scene with Captain America and Black Widow confronting Arnim Zola is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.

The movie takes heavy inspirations from Three Days of the Condor creating a sense of paranoia as you watch it. The irony is that both movies star Robert Redford although in switched roles.

I wouldn't have suspected that a superhero movie would've given me the conspiracy movie that I have always waited for, but I think that allows the movie to have that paranoid sense while also having the elements of fun that are a characteristic of the Marvel movies.

2. The Matrix

If a movie makes you question reality, then it must be worth something. This action-packed science fiction thriller explores philosophical themes that are integral to the plot! The fact that you are guaranteed to have this movie brought up in a philosophy class -versus say Dark City- tells you that this movie is worth a watch.

My favorite aspect of this movie is the idea of transcending reality. I flirted with this idea in high school especially when combined with a theory about the Tower of Babel (another time). Heck, even the idea that taking a pill can allow you to transcend reality and see a greater truth is something that seems so primordial that it appeals to me on a level that I don't think I can properly convey in words.

And of course, it's also a fun action movie with a lot of cool visuals which still hold up after over a decade.

1. The Adjustment Bureau

I remember seeing the trailer for this movie and falling in love with just the trailer. Concepts such as freewill are also very primordial to me. Defying fate and asserting your freewill is a theme and conflict that seem to hit at the very core of my soul.

Fortunately, I was finally able to see this movie a few years ago and sure enough, I fell in love with it. I would dare even say this movie moved me. The primary conflict is Matt Damon's character literally defying fate in order to fight for the woman he loves.

This movie does have that conspiracy element that I've longed for, but since the conspiracy is literally angels and God, it didn't have the same impact that Captain America gave me. With that being said, the concepts of predestination and fate are still questions that I trouble with and debate with myself every day.

I know that I didn't put these movies in a particular order, but The Adjustment Bureau may be my favorite movie. Exploring themes of freewill versus fate while also moving me emotionally, makes this a must watch movie for me. Not a lot of people have watched this movie let alone heard of it, so it's always a special moment for me when I can share this movie with someone.